


Welcome to the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics,

The challenges facing liberal-democratic regimes all over the world are mounting almost exponentially: Populist leaders are eroding democratic values and institutions; economic disparities are growing; racial and ethnic strife, together with political polarization, are increasing; technological revolutions, such as AI and surveillance mechanisms, are imperiling human agency and privacy; governments and corporations are using social media to disrupt political processes; and geopolitical power is shifting away from traditional liberal democracies toward authoritarian regimes. These phenomena, as well as others, have been identified as serious threats to democracy, and it is our aim that the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics will play a significant global role in rethinking issues of rights, political and social institutions, economic creeds and fundamental legal tenets, and reorienting them toward better protecting basic democratic norms and values.

The Edmond J. Center Safra stands at the forefront of academic research in the critical and multidisciplinary interface between democracy, law, and ethics. We promote a variety of academic activities, designed to stimulate dialogue, advance knowledge, and explore new ideas. Above all, we aim to gain new insights that will strengthen our understanding of democratic norms and institutions and help make them more just and resilient.



Prof. Issachar Rosen-Zvi,

Director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics

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